Rabu, 31 Agustus 2016

ICYMI: Our August Reviews!

We only reviewed 9 movies in August (and 2 of those were old ones that I dug up to coincide with new Blu-ray releases, and group watches), but I promise you that number will most likely double in September, and most likely October as well.

Session 9 was the best movie that we watched in August. A Conspiracy of Faith, Blood Father, and The Neon Demon made for good watches, as did Viral, which was better than we expected it to be.

Urge and The Amityville Legacy were the worst of the bunch, and we wish we had the time we spent watching them back.

So here are all of the reviews that we did in August, listed in graded order, from �best� to �worst.� If you haven't read through them yet, feel free to do so now, and enjoy!


ICYMI: The Blu-ray & DVD Releases of August!

Session 9, Ash vs Evil Dead, The Walking Dead, Invasion of the Body Snatchers, Baskin, Buckaroo Banzai... August may not have been packed to the gills with Must Own titles, but it did give us some gems that we had to grab.

Here's a quick recap of what came out and when, in case you missed any of our weekly Digital Dread Report posts.

*Remember to click the pics below if you want to order anything, as every order helps keep columns like this going. Thank you kindly.

2BatmanBindingBiteHighInvasionManhattanNightRedSavingBetaMostSummer911Basket2Basket3BaskinHiroFinalSupergirlTunnelViolentAloneDarkMonsterRevenge170 x 250170 x 25016AmericanAmerican2American3American4BuckAtrozBurbsGothamHellLakeMicorRaidersSessionVampireWhoHouseResSharkenstein23AshBoodDerHuntsmanLakeLuciferNArcosPsychoStrainWalking170 x 224170 x 224AmityvilleClownDuel30ArrowDiscoEvilsJungleNightStarTaboo170 x 224170 x 2243BloodDreadtimeBLU FOOT